Штајнберг у Београду
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Штајнберг у Београду
У шта ће нас ционист Џејмс Штајнберг убеђивати ?Или уцењивати?Да будемо као Израел у Гази и да вратимо Косово ,или да то ипак прилагодимо ,као будући кандидати за еу у интересу ШтајберговиХ америчкиХ "БИЗНИСМЕНА" ? Опробани систем "ДВА АРШИНА" два дана у Београду !
Stajnberg dolazi u Beograd
Zamenik državnog sekretara SAD-a Džejms Stajnberg doputovaće u dvodnevnu posetu Beogradu tokom koje će preneti podršku Vašingtona evropskim aspracijama Srbije.
Stajbnerg je uoči dolaska u region u Vašingtonu rekao da je ohrabren napretkom koji je Srbija učinila na planu evropskih intergacija protekle godine uključujući viznu liberalizaciju u podnošenje kandidature za članstvo u EU kao i time što je od srpskih zvaničnika dobio uveravanja da je Srbija svesna značaja saradnje sa Haškim tribunalom.
Visoki američki zvaničnik će takođe ohrabriti ovdašnje vlasti da sarađuje sa Prištinom u rešavanju praktičnih pitanja, rečeno je u američkoj ambasadi.
Stajnberg je tada najavio da će u razgovorima sa srpskim zvaničnima biti dotaknuto i pitanje Kosova.
"Priznajemo da imamo neslaganja, ali i zajedničke interese. Razgovaraćemo kako da premostimo te razlike. Značajno je da se radi na tome da se ne stvori nestabilost u regionu", istakao je on.
Najavljući posetu zemljama zapadnog Balkana Stajnberg je podsetio da je sadašnja američka administracija od pocetka posvećena stabilnom i prosperitetnom Balkanu.
Visoki američki diplomata je turneju po regionu počeo posetom Ljubljani 6. aprila i Sarajevu 6 i 7. aprila.
On je u Ljubljani podržao politički proces započet okupljenjem lidera zapadnog Balkana na Brdu kod Kranja i pozdravio zalaganje Slovenije koja je bila jedan od organizatora tog skupa za uspostavljanje tešnje saradnje među zemljama regiona i njihovo približavanje Evropskoj uniji.
Konstatujući da među zemljama i liderima zapadnog Balkana i dalje postoje razlike, on je ukazao da treba tražiti načine da se o tome razlikama razgovara i da se ljudi povezuju uprkos različitim stavovima.
Stajnberg je u Sarajevu zajedno sa ministarom spoljnih poslova Španije Migelom Anhelom Moratinosom pokušao da uveri tamnošnje političke lidere u neophodnost ustavnih promena.
Stajnberg i Moratinos su sa sagovornicima u Sarajevu razmotrili "Madridsku dekaraciju koju je inicirala Španija.
Posle razgovora u Beogradu visoki američki diplomata će turneju završiti posetom Prištini.
7. april 2010. | 09:18 | Izvor: Tanjug Beograd --
Obama’s Mideast Jewish Dream Team!
Sen. George Mitchell, a non-Jew who owes his Senate career completely to AIPAC, has a perfect Zionist voting record in the U.S. Senate and rammed through the Senate resolution supporting Israel’s terrorism against the people of Gaza. He is supposed to be the “fair broker ” of a “just and honest” peace between Zionist Israel and Palestinians. If the University of Michigan football program played Notre Dame, would they permit all the referees to be the leaders of the Notre Dame fan club? How can we let these Jewish extremists and those completely in the grasp of Jewish extremists control American foreign policy?
Obama’s Mideast Jewish Dream Team
George Mitchell is the new American envoy now in the Mideast. Who is Mitchell and who are the key players in Obama’s Mideast policy team?
First, let’s examine the major players on the Obama foreign policy team. Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times on January 11, 2009 wrote some things that if he were a Gentile would have earned him some attacks as an “anti-Semite.” He pointed out the incredible top-heavy pro-Zionist content of the team which is supposed to broker a fair and just peace in the Mideast. In discussing the team he identified them with these words:
They include Dennis Ross (the veteran Clinton administration Mideast peace envoy who may now extend his brief to Iran) [a long-time Jewish Zionist]; James Steinberg [Jewish Zionist] (as deputy secretary of state) ; Dan Kurtzer [Jewish Zionist] (the former U.S. ambassador to Israel); Dan Shapiro [Jewish Zionist] (a longtime aide to Obama); and Martin Indyk [Jewish Zionist] another former ambassador to Israel who is close to the incoming secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.)
Now, I have nothing against smart, driven, liberal, Jewish (or half-Jewish) males; I’ve looked in the mirror. I know or have talked to all these guys, except Shapiro. They’re knowledgeable, broad-minded and determined. Still, on the diversity front they fall short. On the change-you-can-believe-in front, they also leave something to be desired.
Cohen did not even mention that the two closest advisers to Obama, the guys that filter almost everything that Obama sees and hears and makes the day to day decisions of running the oval office. They are David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel, two long time dedicated Jewish extremists. Emmanuel, son of an Irgun terrorist and named after another Irgun terrorist, even fought in the Israeli Army.
Now we come to the new envoy to the Mideast, George Mitchell of Maine, the man who is supposed to be a broadminded and just arbitrator between Israel and the Palestinians. The Jewish-influenced media outlets have made a big point of Mitchell’s Lebanese ancestry. What the Zionist media doesn’t tell you is that he has been completely under the control of AIPAC and radical Zionists for years.
As Senate Majority Leader he rammed through everything Israel wanted. He even supported the Senate resolution that gave Israel unconditional support during the Zionist massacre of thousands of Gaza civilians. In fact, originally an appointee to the Senate, Mitchell owes his entire Senate career to the massive support given him in 1982 and since by AIPAC and 27 other Jewish extremist controlled political action committees that AIPAC arranged. AIPAC’s Tom Dine summarized AIPAC’s success in Mitchell’s election by saying that “American Jews are thus able to form our own foreign policy agenda.”
Of course, Dine spoke the complete and unvarnished truth. American and Israeli extremist Jews do indeed control the foreign policy of the United States. Such control has long gone on in concert with past U.S. Presidents and it goes on today with Obama. Only difference is that today there is a greater danger because many in America and around the world falsely believe that Obama represents change. With the incredible respect and adulation given to Obama, he is in a much better position to support the Zionist war agenda, and ultimately do far more harm than a discredited George Bush.
Hold on to your hats, America. I predict Obama will usher in war and conflagration that will make George Bush’s presidency seem mild in comparison. He has already announced a doubling of American troops in Afghanistan. Can a catastrophic war with Iran be far behind? Jewish extremists want this war and Obama is completely under their control!
– Dr. David Duke
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